Volltextsuche auf: https://www.loerrach.de
Studenten im Hörsaal
In Germany, all individuals can study at a university, regardless of their residence status. This also applies to refugees. Information on the requirements for university studies in Baden-Württemberg can be found here (in German and English): www.mwk.baden-wuerttemberg.de

To find out which programmes are offered or how to enrol at university, you will have to contact the respective university. In Germany, there are also programmes taught in English or other languages.

You can obtain initial information about the universities and university programmes on offer in the region from the Youth Immigration Service (for the age group up to 27 years of age). You can also get information about the different options to receive financial support.

A lot of useful information for refugees is available via the smartphone app „Arriving

Kiron Open Higher Education
Kiron Open Higher Education is a non-profit organization with the mission to
provide higher education for refugees, even though they might not have all the
paperwork ready in order to apply to a regular university. https://kiron.ngo/

Migration counselling for young people with a migration background aged 12 to 27.
Contact details and further information can be found here .

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