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Depending on your country of origin, your work permit is subject to different requirements.

EU citizens and those from Lichtenstein, Iceland, Norway or Switzerland
If you want to live in Germany, you are obliged to always support yourself. As citizens of the EU, Lichtenstein, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland you require no work permit to work in Germany.

Non-EU citizens
In order to work in Germany, you will need a visa that allows you to work here.

You can get individual advice from the information centres. If you have obtained any formal vocational qualification in your home country, you can check if this qualification is recognized in Germany (see this chapter). You can also get advice on starting your own business.

The following agencies will advise and support you

Lörrach Labour Office (Agentur für Arbeit Lörrach)
Brombacher Str. 2 | 79539 Lörrach
Mailing address:: Agentur für Arbeit Lörrach | 79533 Lörrach | 0800.4 555 500
Mo–Fr 7.30–12.00; Thu 14–18

Career counselling, training placement, further education counselling, job placement,
payment of benefits

Vocational Information Centre (Berufsinformationszentrum)
Self-information service
Brombacher Str. 2 | 79539 Lörrach | E-Mail: loerrach.biz(at)arbeitsagentur.de
Mo-Thu. 7.30-15.30; We+Fr 07:30-12, Thu 7.30-18.00

Provision of computer terminals, Internet workstations, books, brochures, information
material on training and further education

Please bring: Your passport or identity papers

For persons who receive combined unemployment and welfare benefits (ALG II) and live in Lörrach the Job Centre provides advice and financial support for vocational integration and helps with training and job placements.

Jobcenter Lörrach
Brombacher Str. 2, 79539 Lörrach | 07621.178 700

Handwerkskammer Freiburg - Freiburg Chamber of Crafts
Integration through training - prospects for immigrants
The aim of the project ‘Integration through Training - Prospects for Immigrants’ is to place immigrants in a trades apprenticeship.
For immigrants
▪ Individual needs assessment and case counselling (e.g. clarification of residence status, assistance with career choices and the application process, support with applications and visits to authorities, initiation of support measures, etc.)
▪ Precise placement of immigrants in an apprenticeship, internship and/or introductory training programme in the skilled trades sector
▪ Support during the application process, during the internship and/or entry qualification, at the start of training and during the first 6 months of training
Contact person for Lörrach
Leyla Scherer | 0761.21 800 564 | leyla.scherer(at)hwk-freiburg.de

Counselling for women on work-related issues

Labour Office Lörrach (Agentur für Arbeit Lörrach)
Brombacher Str. 2 | 79539 Lörrach
Postanschrift: Agentur für Arbeit Lörrach | 79533 Lörrach
Advice on returning to work
Contact: Sonja Schäfer | Commissioner for a balance job market
07621.178 305 | Loerrach.BCA(at)arbeitsagentur.de | loerrach.wiedereinstieg(at)arbeitsagentur.de

Jobcenter Lörrach

Brombacher Str. 2 | 79539 Lörrach
Contact: Ninja Wildemann
Commissioner for a balanced job market
07621.178 727, Mo-Thu 8-12

Schubert-Durand Stiftung
Rathausgasse 6 | 79540 Lörrach | 07621.168 22 76

Stiftung Lernen – Fördern – Arbeiten (LFA)
Learning - Support - Working Foundation
Brombacher Straße 3 and 5 | 79539 Lörrach
07621.7064 555 | schulungszentrum-loe(at)lfa.org
Various offers for vocational preparation in group or individual coaching. Funding from the job centre or employment agency (residence permit must be clarified).
- Group offers for women up to 5 months, Mon-Fri 8.30am-12.30pm. Child supervision is offered parallel to the course. Course content includes German lessons, job application training, basic IT knowledge and social skills.
- One-to-one coaching for individual support and counselling for women and men on starting or returning to work. The support period and dates can be individually agreed and customised.

Kontaktstelle Frau und Beruf Freiburg - Südlicher Oberrhein
Rathausplatz 2-4 , 79098 Freiburg | 0761.201 17 31
Mo, Tue, Wed, Fr 8.30-12; Mo, Wed 13.30-15.30; Thu 13.30-18
Please make an appointment

Recognition of Foreign Educational and Vocational Qualifications

The following is a list of recognized educational degrees:
The work experience which you acquired in a different country, can be assessed within Germany. In a regulated process, the qualifications which have been acquired will be compared to the German equivalent. This process has 340 state-recognized job training.

Your recognized work experience opens the chance for a regulated profession and some unregulated professions. Regulated work is classified as a profession which is learned and proven with a certificate. All other professions without a certificate are unregulated.

For regulated professions, the recognized work and education are obligatory. Then you are allowed to practice this profession in Germany.

For the assessment and recognition of previous work and educational experience, these
are good places to begin:
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Chamber of Crafts
  • Trade Association
  • Board of Agriculture
  • County Authority
  • Other authorities for other professions i.e.: see-going vessels, home economics)
In the recognition process, comparison of the foreign education and experience is compared to German certification. The authority then compares formal criteria like length and content.

Helpful websites
Competence Centre for Recognition
Diakonisches Werk | Haagenerstr. 27 1st floor | 79539 Lörrach

In Lörrach, the Freiburg Recognition Counselling Service holds a decentralised recognition counselling session once a month. Only with prior appointment.
Please contact Ms Sarah Rey by telephone 0761.881 445 061 or by e-mail to kompetenzzentrum(at)diakonie-freiburg.de. If you have any questions, please call 0761.881 44 50 61 or 0761.205 741 285 to make an appointment for personal counselling in Lörrach.

Qualification Advisement for Partial Recognition
0761.881 445 03

Qualification Advisement for Partial Recognition

Diakonisches Werk Freiburg
0761.881 445 03

General Information

Chamber of Commerce and Crafts Hochrhein-Bodensee (Industrie- und Handelskammer Hochrhein-Bodensee)
Apprenticeship and Training Advisement for the Chamber of Commerce and Crafts
Manuel Ratlinger, Project Leader for integration of young refugees
Field of expertise: Apprenticeship and Continued Education, Division of Apprenticeship
IHK Hochrhein-Bodensee | E.-Fr.-Gottschalk-Weg 1
79650 Schopfheim | 07622.390 72 25 | manuel.ratlinger(at)konstanz.ihk.de

Additional Help and Advisement for Unemployment

Labour Office Lörrach (Agentur für Arbeit Lörrach)
Visitor’s Address: Brombacher Str. 2 | 79539 Lörrach
Post Address: Agentur für Arbeit Lörrach | 79533 Lörrach

In addition to the Labour Office there are several other helpful organizations and institutions for the support and advisement for unemployment compensation.
In the framework of the state-wide program ‘Good and Safe Work’, the state of  Baden-Württemberg is a part of the pilot project of 12 independent Unemployment Advisement Centres to care for the long-time employees with complex problems. This pilot project is mainly sponsored for all volunteers and their advisement and qualifications through fund-raising programs.

Additional Information to these institutions can be found here
  • State-wide work group for the meetings and centres of unemployed in Baden-Württemberg (Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft ‘LAG’)
  • Sperre: the online magazine for work and socially minded workers
  • Erwerbslos.de: Information platform of the friend’s association of Labour’s Union of the unemployed.

Additional Information for refugees

The following information is intended for refugees without recognition as asylum-seekers or as refugees (people before the start of the asylum procedure, in the middle of the asylum procedure or people whose deportation has been suspended). Refugees who have been recognized as asylum seekers or refugees can find the information relevant to them on the remaining pages of the guide, which is intended for all migrants..

A lot of useful information for refugees is available via the smartphone app “Arriving
Before you can start a job, a training programme or the like, this usually has to be approved by the Foreign Department the City of Lörrach. Some cases do not require approval, but even in these cases it is advisable that you have them confirmed by the Alien Authorities.

Therefore: Before you start a job, training programme, internship or the like, please always contact your Social Service Centre, which will help you with the review or approval by the Alien Authorities.
If you want to work, enter a training programme or do something similar in Germany,  it is very important that you can speak German. See also the chapter “Learning German”.

In preparation for your job search, training programme or the like it is useful if you can already provide records regarding your years of schooling, training and previous work. It is helpful if your documents are as complete as possible. For some professions, you need to have these documents acknowledged, in that there must be an assessment regarding which of your foreign qualifications correspond tothose in Germany (see below “Recognition of foreign diplomas, university degrees or professional qualifications”).

Applying for a job, an apprenticeship or a position as an intern always requires a written CV which gives an overview of your time at school, in training, at work and in other situations.

This is where you find multilingual information on applying for jobs in Germany:
As a refugee, you can work or enter a training programme in Germany under certain conditions. Basically, you are not allowed to work until 3 months after your arrival. However, this is subject to various conditions. It is therefore advisable to check with your Social Service Centre whether you are allowed to work in Germany.

Note: Your residence document always contains information about whether you are eligible to work in Germany.

If you already have a status as a person entitled to asylum, have a protected status, or
To train for a profession in Germany, you have the option of studying at a university or within the context of the dual education system. For further information about studying, see “University Studies”.

The dual education system involves training in a company and studies at a vocational school. This type of training requires between two and three and a half years. During your training, you usually get paid a low wage. By completing a training program, your chances of finding a better job after training are much better.
An internship is aimed at gaining professional experience or getting to know a particular company better. An internship must be with a responsible facilitator and may last a few days to maximum 12 weeks. During an internship, you usually get little or no pay.
A mini-job is a job with an income of up to 538 euros per month and a few working hours. However, refugees undergoing the asylum procedure can only get a part of this income; the remaining income is offset against the benefits you receive from the state as a refugee. Nevertheless, a mini-job can be a great way to gain professional experience in Germany and learn German.
The federal volunteer service is a way for people of all ages to work for the common good outside of work and school - in social, environmental and cultural fields. In the Federal Volunteer Service, you generally don’t work in your trained profession. The people working in the Federal Volunteer Service are often young people who have finished school but have not yet started their training, but the opportunity is open to people of all ages. A stint in the Federal Voluntary Service usually takes 12 months, but service periods of 6 to 24 months are also possible.

During this time you are paid a small salary.
For more information, go to: For information using simple language, go to:
There are many people in Germany who provide voluntary services without getting paid, e.g. in an association or club. This can be a good opportunity for refugees to establish contact with German citizens, learn German and make new experiences. For more information see the chapter getting involved.

If you have acquired a secondary school diploma, a university degree or a vocational qualification in your home country, you can ask for an assessment of whether these will be recognized in Germany (see above).
As soon as you get paid for a job or receive wages from an apprenticeship or internship, you will need a bank account, because the wages are usually not paid in cash. To open a bank account, you will need a registration certificate. You will find information on this under “Housing”. If you want to open a bank account, please contact your Social Service Centre.
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