Volltextsuche auf: https://www.loerrach.de
In Lörrach, there are a variety of opportunities for the elderly to meet other people, for education and participation. The counselling centres and associations help you find the opportunity that is right for you. They give you advice and support on issues revolving around aging - from leisure activities to your need for nursing care - and also inform you about financial aid.

The brochure „Getting Older Today“ is available in the District Office for seniors and on the Internet at www.loerrach-landkreis.de/altenarbeit.

Senior Counselling in Lörrach (Seniorenbeirat)
The Senior Advisory Board advises the administration and political committees in regards to the needs of Seniors, in a positive and active configuration for the development of better every-day life. This board is made of volunteers from charity, church groups, and committed citizens.

Senior Citizen Responsible for the City (Seniorenbeauftragte)
Ute Hammler | 07621.415 327 | u.hammler(at)loerrach.de

Guide for senior citizens in the town of Lörrach

Department for Planning and Supervision for the Elderly
(Fachstelle für Planung und Steuerung der Altenhilfe)

District Office - Landratsamt Lörrach
Dr. Anne Göhner | Brombacher Str. 4 | 79539 Lörrach
07621-410 50 11 |  anne.goehner(at)loerrach-landkreis.de


Care Foundation County Lörrach
(Pflegestützpunkt Lörrach)

Landratsamt Lörrach - Sachgebiet Beratung, Teilhabe und Pflege
Brombacher Straße 4 | 79539 Lörrach
Weitere Informationen und Kontakt

Find meeting places in the senior citizens' guide of the city of Lörrach
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