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Sofa in Wohnzimmer
InSeL - Information & Service Lörrach
Stadt Lörrach
Rathaus | Erdgeschoss | Luisenstraße 16 | 79539 Lörrach | 07621.415 331

Registering and moving of house; Moving house to a new city

Opening hours:
Monday: 8-17
Tuesday: 8-17
Wednesday: 8-13
Thursday: 8-13 and 15-19
Friday: 8-12

Looking for a flat

Houses and flats are usually offered unfurnished. You can find flats for rent:
  • on real estate pages (Internet)
  • in local newspapers/ free papers
  • at real estate agents
  • at housing cooperativesImmobilienseiten (Internet)

Städtische Wohnbaugesellschaft Lörrach mbH
Schillerstraße 4 | 79540 Lörrach | 07621.15 19 0
info(at)wohnbau-loerrach.de | www.wohnbau-loerrach.de

Badische Zeitung (Advertisement section on Thursday and Saturday)

Die Oberbadische Zeitung (Advertisement section on Wednesday and Saturday)


The number of rooms specified in ads only refers to the living and bedrooms. As a rule, bathroom and kitchen are not included in that number. The kitchen does not include appliances or cabinets in most cases.


The rent generally consists of the basic rent plus additional costs. Additional costs include the costs for electricity, water, heating and waste disposal, for example. It is important to clarify what is included in additional costs before you sign a rental agreement. For families with a lower income, there is a utilities check (‘Stromspar- Check) where the costs of the utilities can be checked.
Contact: Shoik Schill ; 07621 / 12 12 181; stormsparkcheck(at)sak-loerrach.de

Signing a rental agreement

You must sign a rental agreement before you move in. Before you sign, check what
costs are included in the rent.

Moving in

As a rule, you must apply for your phone and Internet service as well as your power yourself. In addition, each household also pays a fee for the public radio and television channels. The same goes for the waste disposal.

Deposit: In addition to the monthly rent, the landlord often requires a guarantee (deposit). The deposit is usually 1-3 months’ rent and must usually be paid at the beginning of the rental contract. You will get your deposit plus interest back after termination of the contract.

Many landlords ask for proof of liability insurance. You can take out personal liability insurance with an insurance company of your choice.

More Information

Advice for living money (Wohngeld)
Stadt Lörrach
3rd floor, room 3.06, Abteilung Wohngeld
Luisenstraße 16, 79539 Lörrach
Mo-Fr 8-12 a.m. Th 3-5:30 p.m.

Advice for the housing authority statement
Stadt Lörrach
3rd floor, room 3.01
Luisenstraße 16, 79539 Lörrach
Mo-Fr 8-12, Th 3-5:30 p.m.

Additional Information for Refugees

The following information is especially for refugees without recognition of asylum eligibility or a refugee (without subsidiary protection status) before the asylum process; in the asylum process; or with an acceptance. All the aforementioned refugees will find the information within this “Road Map to Lörrach” to also be helpful
As a refugee, you will initially be housed in a so-called reception centre after entering Germany. These centres are often very large facilities with many residents..

From there, you will generally be relocated to so-called temporary accommodation in another city. If you are recognized as a person entitled to asylum or as a refugee, you can start looking for a flat on your own. If you are not working or your income is very low, you can obtain an eligibility certificate for subsidized housing; such a certificate allows you to access relatively cheap flats for rent.

If your asylum procedure takes longer than two years, you can move into your own flat after two years even without recognition as a person entitled to asylum or as a refugee. If you are not working, the rent will be paid for you up to a certain amount.

In the first three months after arrival in Germany, refugees are bound by a socalled residence obligation. This means that refugees coming to Lörrach are not allowed to leave the state of Baden-Württemberg in the first three months. Exceptions are made for appointments with government agencies and courts. This rule no longer applies after three months. However, refugees are assigned a place of residence for the duration of their asylum procedure. This means refugees have to continue living at the assigned location, but can leave the state for a limited time. Please be aware that you are not allowed to go over the border into Switzerland
Please note: there are many people looking for flats within Lörrach. The City of  Lörrach can help you find a flat if you are in reception centres and involved in the program called ‘Fit für die eigene Wohnung’. Information about the aforementioned program can be found with the Social worker, the Welcome-Center or Dr. Inga Schwarz. The registration can also be given per email: welcome(at)loerrach.de

Moves to another refugee centre within the City of Lörrach are only possible in veryexceptional cases. If you want to move to another city in Germany, you must submit an application to the Office for Foreign Affairs (‘Ausländerangelegenheiten) of the City of Lörrach and at the appropriate department of the city to which you want to move. To do so, contact your Social Service Centre which will help you submit the application. Moving is only possible if both offices - the one in Lörrach and the one in the city where you want to move - approve the move. These applications are only approved in special cases - especially for reasons of reuniting immediate family members living in another city, such as your minor child / children or your spouse.

If you have received your recognition as a person entitled to asylum or as a refugee and want to move to another country, you can contact the immigration counselling centres that are listed under “Arriving in Lörrach”

NOTE: when moving house, you must re-register at City Hall.
If you want to open a bank account or sign a contract with a mobile phone service provider, you will need a registration certificate. The registration certificate shows that your current residence is in Lörrach. You can obtain the registration certificate from the following department:

InSeL - Information & Service Lörrach Stadt Lörrach
Rathaus, ground floor| Luisenstraße 16 | 79539 Lörrach | 07621.415 331

Opening hours:
Monday: 8-17
Tuesday: 8-17
Wednesday: 8-13
Thursday: 8-13 and 15-19
Friday: 8-12

Please bring the following:
Passport or notice of suspension of deportation
Cost: 6 €
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