Volltextsuche auf: https://www.loerrach.de
Multiethnische Familie (KI generiert)
There are many facilities offering help and support for families and in matters relating to
marriage and partnership.

The HalLÖchen - Family app of the district of Lörrach is for all (expectant) parents and families with children up to the age of three in the district of Lörrach. Here you will find offers relating to pregnancy, becoming parents and being a family.

Here you will find more information on the following topics:

I want to get married in Germany. Where can I get some advice before I get married?
Those who want to get married can get advice from the registry’s office. (contact see below) The documents you need to get married will vary, because the national law of the country of origin has to be considered when getting married. Go to the registry office in person (during consulting hours, no appointment necessary) to get advice and a list of all the documents you need.
Where can I get family documents?
The registry office can issue international birth, marriage and death certificates on request
(no extra charge). International certificates are written in nine languages.

How do I get a place for my child in a day-care facility or kindergarten?
Children aged 0 to 6 can visit a day-care facility or kindergarten where they, together with other children, are cared for by educators. If you have a child of this age, you should contact your Social Service Centre. They will try to get a place for your child in a day-care facility or kindergarten in corporation with the municipality. Please see the chapter ‘School and Kindergarten’.

Registry Office (Standesamt)

Ringstraße 1 | 79541 Lörrach | Stadtteil: Brombach

contact and opening hours
  • Issuing of birth, marriage and death certificates
  • Execution of marriages and civil partnerships, name changes and termination of church membership

Payment Information

The parental leave allowance is a government benefit for families after the birth of a
child. If parents interrupt or restrict their careers to care for their child, the allowance
can make up for the loss of income to a certain extent.

For an overview, including detailed information, visit

Information for parental leave
Elterngeldstelle L-Bank Karlsruhe
Hotline (free): 0800.6 645 471
Mo – Fr 9-12 and 14 – 17 | E-Mail: familienfoerderung(at)l-bank.de
Application forms can be given at the City Hall in Lörrach
Luisenstraße 16 | 79539 Lörrach | 3rd floor room 3.06
Mo – Fr: 8 – 12 and Thursday 15 – 18
In Deutschland lebende MigrantInnen können unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen Kindergeld erhalten. Kindergeld wird grundsätzlich bis zum 18. Lebensjahr des Kindes bezahlt, in bestimmten Fällen auch länger. Das Kindergeld wird monatlich auf das Girokonto der Eltern überwiesen.

Der Antrag auf Kindergeld wird von der Bundesagentur für Arbeit – Familienkasse Baden-Württemberg West – entgegengenommen.

Agentur für Arbeit
Brombacher Str. 2 | 79539 Lörrach | Mo, Di, Do 08:00-12:00, Do 14:00-18:00 Uhr
Fragen zu Kindergeld und Kinderzuschlag: 0800.4 555 530
Auszahlungstermine: 0800.4 555 533
Immigrants living in Germany can receive child benefit payments under certain circumstances. The child benefit is generally paid until the child has reached the age of 18, in certain cases even longer. The child benefit is transferred every month to the parents’ checking account.
The application for child benefit is submitted to the Bundesagentur für Arbeit – Familienkasse Baden-Württemberg West. Application for child benefit and other information:
The child supplement is a supplementary child benefit which is paid for minor children
as of January 2005 and for unmarried children under the age of 25 as of July 2006 who
live in families whose family income is insufficient.
You can find more information here

Meeting points

You can find a list of meeting points for parents and children here

Counselling Services

Counselling Services- Department Early Assistance
District Office (Landratsamt) Brombacher Str. 4, 79539 Lörrach, 07621.410 53 53

contact and more information

Services for families:
  • Initial consultation
  • Initial diagnosis
  • Information and referrals
  • Support in crises and stressful situations
  • Advice and support for professionals, family midwife concept, State Programme

Counselling centre for family planning, sex education, sexual counselling and unwanted pregnancy

Rainstraße 20 | 79539 Lörrach | 07621.169 23 88 | loerrach(at)profamilia.de
Mo – Fr 8-12; appointments can be made for the afternoon

Languages: We will call in an interpreter, if necessary

Counselling and help with the following issues:
  • Pregnancy and birth
  • Sex education
  • Medical advice
  • Relationships
  • Separation, divorce, mediation
Social service centre serves children, young people, parents and other legal guardians
Landratsamt Lörrach | Brombacher Str. 4 | 79539 Lörrach | 07621.410 53 53

further information

Catholic Counselling Services for Marriage, Family and Life Questions
(Katholische Beratungsstelle für Ehe-, Familien- und Lebensfragen
Schwarzwaldstraße 1 | 79539 Lörrach | 07621.3087

Diakonisches Werk Lörrach
Haagener Straße 27 | 79539 Lörrach | 07621.92 630
appoinments can be made per telephone

Caritasverband Lörrach
Haagener Str. 15a | 79539 Lörrach | 07621.92 75-0 und -13

pro familia Lörrach, e.V.
Rainstraße 20, 79539 Lörrach, 07621.169 23 88, loerrach(at)profamilia.de
Nach oben